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What can you do to help the green sea turtle?

  • Participate in beach cleanups

  • Attend a public sea turtle walk        

  • Start an online blog to raise awareness  

  • Adopt a turtle      

  • Not throw your trash into the ocean

  • Recycle            

  • Become an advocate              

  • Do not purchase products made from green sea turtles      

  • Lead a community effort to protect the beaches they nest on        

  • Reduce carbon emission by riding bicycles   

  • Talk to family and friends about the importance of the sea turtles in the environment

It is our duty as the citizens of the Earth to help protect all species living amongst us. We can do so by practicing healthy habits such as riding our bicycle more often and walking to close locations to reduce our carbon footprint. Combustion of fossil fuels is the number one cause of global warming. We can help by finding alternatives to our daily commutes. We can also help by being mindful about our production of waste material. Recyling can make a major difference when it comes to saving wildlife. There are many ways in which we can help and it all starts by making minor adjustments to our daily life. One day at a time, one person at a time; we can make this world a better place for all species!  

Conservation Plan

Habitat Preservation:

To help protect the green sea turtles off the Pacific coast in San Diego we must make some major adjustments in the ways we share space with these animals. Most, if not all, beaches are being utilized by humans for recreation purposes. The turtles are having a hard time recovering because of this reason. Space is a main resource for green sea turtles. They are being driven to extinction due to competition for space. In addition, humans pollute these beaches and destroy the eggs layed in the sand. If the eggs survive to hatch, hatchlings often eat the trash left behind by humans and die before making it to the ocean. Even the ones that make it to the ocean are in danger of human pollution. In order to protect the turtles, we should create the space they need for healthy nesting by having designated turtle beaches around nesting sites where human activity would be prohibited not only during nesting season, but year-round. It should be illegal for anyone to enter these beaches. We should also monitor these beaches for natural predators in order to preserve the eggs and hatchlings. Reducing light pollution around these beaches is another main key to conserving this majestic species. We should invest in building a suitable and safe environment for the females to nest and for hatchling to survive. As well as, reduce ocean pollution to help protect not only this species but all organisms living in the ocean. 

Strategies and Efforts

Prediction and Outcome

Creating designated turtle beaches would give the female turtles a comfortable and safe place to nest. This would reduce environmental stresses for them which would result in an increase in clutch size and hatchling survival. An increase in the number of eggs would increase the number of hatchlings and the number of hatchlings that survive to make it to the ocean. By monitoring the newly hatched eggs we could help increase the number of hatchlings that find their way to the ocean through eliminating natural predators on land. By protecting the hatchlings we would increase the number of female and male juveniles that survive to reach sexual maturity. Therefore, we would see an increase in the number of females returning to their natal beaches in the upcoming years. More females means more eggs and this cycle should continue succesfully if the conservation effort goes as planned. Doing so, we can help increase the species chance of survival and help their population growth over the years until they are able to recover fully. If recovery goes well the animal will no longer be considered an endangered species. 

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